Saturday, March 26, 2011

I will FLY!

I feel trapped by all the things around me.  I try to clean and get easily discouraged because I ultimately clean one area by cluttering up another area of my home.  Then the phrase I heard a couple years ago came to mind - "You can't organize clutter".  Aha moment!  This wake up statement came from a woman known as FlyLady.  A wonderful guru of cleaning, organizing, and enjoying your home.  You can find her plan on how to achieve the home you want by going to her website .  She works by baby steps so you don't get overwhelmed.
I did great on her plan 2 years ago but somewhere along the line I dropped the ball.  Okay, more like I dropped the ball, kicked it under the couch and never felt like retrieving it.  I have been just boxing things up and putting them in the basement.  Well, the basement is now full and I see that I am having a hard time letting go of things.  This has no doubt something to do with the fact that our finances are bleak right now and I want my daughters to want for nothing.  So I am grateful to the show Hoarders for showing me this is a red flag that could go to an extreme place if I don't do something now.  So I will trust in God to provide for us (something I have been working on) and pass these things along to bless someone else.
The first baby step in FlyLady's plan is shining your sink.  I have never felt the joy that others seem to have by having a shiny sink.  In fact, I kind of thought this was a pointless step.  That is until I cleaned down our stove a month or so ago.  It had burned on everything and grease splatters but one day I looked over and thought, "I'll try to wipe it down so it doesn't look so bad".  I didn't believe it would really come clean like it once was because I had tried wiping it before and nothing much resulted.  Something just came over me that day and I went into scrub and soak mode.  When it was finished it looked like it had when we first bought it.  It really did gleam.  Every time I walked into the kitchen and saw the stove all shiny and new looking I found myself smiling and realized THIS is what people are feeling with their shiny sinks!
So today after I post this I will be in the kitchen doing dishes so that by the end of the day I will have a shiny sink.  Feel free to join me in Flying or share your Flying stories.  I will be posting about the Flying journey and hoping that helps me stick with it this time.

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