Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Happened to Honor?

This week BYU seemed to really shake people when they let a star player off the basketball team.  Why did they do it?  Simple.  He broke the honor code at the school. 

I'm still unclear about how it was found out but the player confessed that he had had premartial sex with his girlfriend.  Instead of congratulating him for accepting responsibility it seems public opinion is asking "What's the big deal?  I bet a lot of the other guys are doing the same."

It is sad that instead of admiring a school for enforcing their honor code and setting themselves up for missing the final four, the school is condemned.  I'm sure there were members of the school that would have liked to brush it under the rug until after March Madness was over but they chose the right. 

It seems in the court of public opinion it is better to win.  After reading the initial story online, I checked out some of the comments being left.  Maybe that was a mistake since it really became upsetting to me.  (Yes, I am LDS).  It seems like instead of accepting this situation people have tried to change the issue.  Some called into play race, saying it was because the offending player is African American and his girlfriend is Caucasian.  Trust me this isn't the reason.  The honor code is clear and students reread and sign it every year.  He knew what was on the line, no not just getting kicked off the team but also out of school.

At this time it is unclear if this young man and his girlfriend will be expelled.  I'm hoping that because they were honest about what happened, they will get a second chance and remain in school. 

People think that they school should lighten up and that they honor code is  antiquated.  I guess in the world today it does seem that way but they are living as they believe God wants them to live.  So my question is, what happened to honor?

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