Saturday, June 11, 2011

My day with Dyson

My in laws took the girls for an over night last night.  You would think it was time to relax but no.  I clean, did laundry, tried to get a $5.00 off coupon for paper towels online.....  I did go to movie night with MOPS.  We don't go out to the movies we just get together and watch the stuff our hubbies groan about and have child care so we can enjoy the movie.  Then I got home, hubby worked over and I was back to laundry. 
This morning I started cleaning again.  Now, I admit I am getting super forgetful and easily distracted.  I folded laundry and it was like the carpet was mocking me with it's filth.  I have wanted to get a steam cleaner but can not afford it.  Luckily i have a friend willing to let me borrow hers.  So before the laundry is even finished being folded I look again and think " I need to vacuum before I can scrub the carpet".  From that I look over at my Dyson (Absolutely LOVE it) and see it needs emptied.  I empty the canister and think about the hair (I shed a lot) wrapped around the roller.  So I take it outside to cut the hair off so it will clean better. 
If you have a Dyson you know they are wonderful not just because of the cleaning power but that they come apart easily so you can clean them or fix a clog that may occur.  With two little ones that used to push items under the couch this feature became even more amazing.  Long story short, I had my Dyson in pieces .  No really I did.  I then stumbled on a section I didn't even know about.  The filter chamber. (Hubby assembled it when we bought it).  Turns out the filter is to be cleaned every 6 months.  Dyson is almost 5 years old and I do not remember ever cleaning it.  Again, I may have and bad memory made me forget but if I did it was only once.  In the filter were pieces of a cereal no longer made that my oldest loved when she was 1.  Yep, the cleaning was a long time coming.
I thought Dyson was just having issues working at top shape because of all the hair stuck on the roller.  Which was bad.  As in you couldn't see the brushes on the roller there was so much hair.  Eww I know.  Looked like a human head was in the trash bag when I finally got done with it.
After cleaning the filters and the main air system that had dust and dirt caked in it, I wiped off everything I could.  So tomorrow I am excited to use it and see how much my work pays off.  I know, getting excited over a vacuum is sad.  No doubt it will work amazingly though.  No fear of being crushed here.  I heart my Dyson and he must be very happy I finally figured out to clean him.  : )
Now I just need to finish folding and putting away that laundry.

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