Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kirk Cameron

As I am sure you heard Mr Cameron is being focused on this week due to something he said.  In an interview on Piers Morgan he was asked about his views on homosexuality.   Kirk is a very strict Christian and said he believes it to be unnatural etc.

Of course people have jumped on him and even have pages wishing he'd kill himself on Facebook.  All because he stated his opinion.  Now does it sound harsh what he said?  Yeah sort of but nothing we haven't heard before.  Again due to his faith he just stated what he believes. 

He explained why he was against gay marriage in the best way he could.  I watched and do not believe he was trying to be mean.  He was just standing up for his belief.  He even has a marriage conference he hosts so he has a definite idea of what marriage is "supposed to be".

Unlike when politicians say things like what Kirk said I was not offended, rolled my eyes, etc.  Why?  Because unlike most of the men in Congress that make these type statements, he isn't doing it to win votes. He also is not then running out and having affairs etc.  In fact, in the movie Fireproof at the end we see him and his wife kiss.  The reason we see shadowy figures of the actors is not for some great cinematic effect, it's because he said that when he married his wife he entered into an agreement with God and her.  So the woman he is kissing is indeed his real wife and not the actress from the movie. 

Before anyone thinks this is me just defending hate it isn't.  I do not believe we have a right to decide for someone else.  I do not believe we have the right to restrict rights to people who are not really doing anything to hurt another.  Yes, I believe in the Bible and Book of Mormon, however when reading the scriptures what stands out to me is that everyone is to have free agency.  They must choose.  For me to outlaw the option I am stopping their agency.  The church even says to hate the sin not the person.  You are to treat them no different than you would any other member.

What I am saying is here was a man that practices what he preaches and we should respect his opinion.  Even one of my gay friends posted today that Kirk Cameron has the right to say what he would like and we need to respect it. 

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