Friday, March 9, 2012

My baby is growing up

Yep another post about how my girls are growing.  I am sorry guys but thats what happens when you are a parent. 

My Katherine has her first loose tooth.  I remember at her last cleaning feeling the start of tears when they said her teeth were spacing to prepare for this.  I knew it was coming and even that it would be her bottom tooth within the 6 months between visits.  None of that makes it easier. 

It's hard to let go of her baby-ness.  Her baby teeth are the last baby thing she has.  She is incredible tall already, her face is thinning out, and her hands are losing the cute puffy baby shape.  She doesn't need my help so much anymore and the shows she wants to watch have lost the cuteness of what we once watched. 

So please forgive me for another post of weepy mommy-ness.  Though I am sure there will be more to come.  Motherhood is hard for many reasons and this is one of them.

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