Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Yes, I believe that Bigfoot could exist.  I do watch the show on Animal Planet called Finding Bigfoot.  It is on Sunday nights. 

Now my husband laughs at me as many do to people who believe as I do.  I get it.  It has been made a joke so just "hear" me out. 

1- The study of Bigfoot falls under Cryptozoology.  The same people for many years where studying these reports of a giant squid.  Again, people thought it was just an old sea story.  A monster in the sea like was once depicted on maps.  Giant squid have now been confirmed as real.   So why not this?

2 - Bigfoot does look like a man crossed with an ape.  If you believe in Evolution, it looks like a part of the chain showing man evolving from monkeys.  This does make it easy for people to try and fake sightings.  I think so many false reports make it seem like a joke. 

3 - I love history and history shows many times the government has done experiments that they will not let the public know about.  It scares me to think of all the information that is being kept under lock and key.  So I  do not consider myself a conspiracy theorist.  We all know that things are kept from us and that they have used people as experiments, tried to control nature, and covered up happenings.  Why would they do it?  To use in war?  Especially wars that take place in forest areas.  That is one reason we took a beating in Korea.  So here they could have made this thing that would be manlike but acts as an ape too helping to remain unnoticed. 

4 - Why are there no bones or dead forms found?  Well, if the government has something to do with it, they would make sure the evidence isn't found.  Also, it may be the nature of the beast.  As we have not gotten one (that we know of), we can not rule it out. 

5 - It is definitely closely related to primates from the description of those that have encountered them.  Primates in nature are actually alot harder to find then people think.  Maybe that is due to people only having experienced them in a zoo or zoo like setting.  Now go to the rainforest and you may never find them.  They have been said to be able to remain unseen unless they want to be seen by biologists before. 

I do not understand why people just write Bigfoot off as a hoax.  Think of the strange animals that we know of that if I were to describe would sound insane yet we know are real.  Think of the fact that the ocean is so deep that we haven't been able to discover everything there.  Or that scientists even admit that there are many species of animals, plants, bugs, etc are left to be discovered in the rainforest.  So think about that when you are ready to just laugh at someone. There are valid points

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